Tag: young adult

  • Ruinsong Review

    Ruinsong Review

    Hey everyone! I’m glad you’re here! It’s been a rare occurrence for me to be able to sit down and read a book that’s not an ARC, but a group of friends and I decided to host a read-a-thon this December to February. It’s called WLW Winter! Which means we’re all about sapphic books! The…

  • Unique Review

    Unique Review

    Hey y’all! Welcome back! I’m so glad you’re here! Once again, I’m back with another review for you. This is the review for the sequel to Ordinary by Starr Z. Davies! Without further ado, let’s get right into it! Thank you to Starr for providing me with a copy of Unique to review. All opinions…

  • Ordinary Review

    Ordinary Review

    Hello everyone! Welcome, welcome. I’m so glad you’re here! The absolute thrill and joy I feel getting to read ARCs is unmatched and I have a lot of reviews coming at you. I’ve been so busy reading as I’ve been privileged enough to get a good bit of them, but for this one (and the…

  • A Deal With An Elf King Review

    A Deal With An Elf King Review

    Hey y’all! I’m so glad you’re here. Welcome! I want to preface this by saying: I absolutely LOVED the bonus chapter and I will read the rest of the books in this world, this one just didn’t hit for me like Elise’s books usually do. Most everyone else who’s read this has loved it. Please…

  • Every Single Lie Review

    Every Single Lie Review

    Hey y’all, welcome! I’m so glad you’re here. Is anyone else going crazy over NaNoWriMo? Whew. I feel like as I approach the 40k mark I am losing my mind and everything I write feels like it’s awful. Is this how it always is? Thankfully, I’ve had some great books to keep me company when…

  • A Curse of Roses Review

    A Curse of Roses Review

    Hello, hello, hello! Welcome! I’m so glad you’re here. For some reason, I never scheduled this post and it was in my drafts. My brain is wired on my NaNoWriMo project right now (a new book, I’m excited to say). But, this book has been on my mind a lot lately. Like I’d stated in…

  • Escaping Eleven Review

    Escaping Eleven Review

    Hey y’all! Welcome, welcome! I’m so glad you’re here. I think I’ve decided to start posting reviews mainly on the weekends. Everyone seems a little more receptive and available to read, so weekend reviews it is! I have basically become an Entangled Publishing stan account over the last year. Every book I’ve read by them…

  • Lore Review

    Lore Review

    Hey y’all! Welcome, welcome! For some, welcome back! It’s so nice to have you here! My apologies for my absence! I’m also participating in NaNoWriMo, and I’m 14k deep into a new book! But, I have a ton of reviews ready to get out, so J hope you’re ready! Without further ado, let’s get right…

  • Together, Apart Review

    Together, Apart Review

    Hey hey hey! Welcome, welcome. I’m so glad you’re here! I’ve been so lucky lately to have been able to get so many ARCs. Today’s review is for another one, and it’s on sale date is TODAY! Without further ado, let’s get right into it! Together, Apart is a combination of short stories written by…

  • A Deal With the Elf King- COVER REVEAL!

    A Deal With the Elf King- COVER REVEAL!

    Hey y’all! Welcome, welcome! Today is a good day. I love cover reveal days. You get to see a glimpse inside of a book. Plus, let’s be real, some of us judge books by their cover. This one is absolutely stunning! I’m talking about Elise Kova’s new standalone, A Deal With the Elf King. Just…