Tag: ya fantasy



    Hey y’all! Welcome, welcome. I am so glad you’re here! It’s no secret if you follow me on any social media platform just how excited I’ve been for this book to release. I absolutely fell in love with Wings of Ebony and have been dying to get my hands on Ashes of Gold. Simon Teen…

  • An Ode to Authors- Thank You

    An Ode to Authors- Thank You

    Hey y’all! Welcome, welcome. I am so glad you’re here. Whether you’ve been here before, or you’re just joining me- you are appreciated! Since March 2020, we’ve been in a world that is much different than the norm. A global pandemic has been taking hold of our life. It has changed things for all of…

  • *REVIEW & BLOG TOUR* City of Shattered Light

    *REVIEW & BLOG TOUR* City of Shattered Light

    Hey y’all! Welcome, welcome. I am so glad you’re here! It has been a crazy busy month in my house, but one of my favorite books of the year is coming out super soon and I was lucky enough to get asked to participate in the blog tour! City of Shattered Light by Claire Winn…



    Hey y’all! Welcome, welcome. I am so glad you’re here! It’s no secret I love being on street teams. I’m on some for my absolute favorite authors such as Tracy Wolff, Diana Urban, Brigid Kemmerer etc. Being on a street team is such an honor. When an author trusts you to put out content about…

  • Red Queen Series Review

    Red Queen Series Review

    Hey y’all! Welcome, welcome. I am so glad you’re here! I have an absolutely enormous physical TBR. I have this problem where I happen to buy books based on recommendations, end up getting arcs to read and kind of forget about my physical TBR. Thankfully in the new year, I have slowly been able to…

  • A Vow So Bold and Deadly Review

    A Vow So Bold and Deadly Review

    Hey y’all! Welcome, welcome. I am so glad you’re here! Whew. I am so, so sorry I haven’t been posting as frequently. I am… drumroll please… headed back to work! I can not wait to fly again! I am also in the process of moving so I have been crazy busy. I have mainly been…

  • 2021 Most Anticipated: YA Fantasy/Sci-Fi/Dystopian (Jan- May)

    2021 Most Anticipated: YA Fantasy/Sci-Fi/Dystopian (Jan- May)

    Hey y’all! Welcome, welcome! I’m so glad you’re here. What a journey this has been. I have had so much fun looking at novels I knew were coming out and adding new ones to my list. I tend to read A LOT of YA fantasy/dystopian/sci-fi novels and quite enjoy them, so it doesn’t surprise me…

  • The Gilded Ones Review

    The Gilded Ones Review

    Hey y’all! Welcome, welcome. I’m so glad you’re here. My apologies for not posting for a few days. I’ve been hard at work on my 2021 releases lists and a few should be up in the next couple of days. I’m finishing them up now. In the mean time, I have some more reviews coming…

  • Wings of Ebony Review

    Wings of Ebony Review

    Hey y’all! Welcome, welcome! I am so glad you’re here! I have really gotten blessed by the ARC gods lately. I don’t know who they are or what I did to please them, but I’ve really loved getting a chance to get some of my most anticipated books before their release. Mind you, I still…

  • Legendborn Review

    Legendborn Review

    Hey y’all! Welcome, welcome! I’m glad you’re here. I have truly been a reading machine lately. I’ve started to slow down a little now, but I have read some incredible books lately! Be prepared for a ton of reviews coming at you. Some ARCs, some are new releases, some are books I’ve just taken a…