Tag: book reviews

  • An Ode to Authors- Thank You

    An Ode to Authors- Thank You

    Hey y’all! Welcome, welcome. I am so glad you’re here. Whether you’ve been here before, or you’re just joining me- you are appreciated! Since March 2020, we’ve been in a world that is much different than the norm. A global pandemic has been taking hold of our life. It has changed things for all of…

  • *BOOK REVIEW & BOOK TOUR* People We Meet On Vacation

    *BOOK REVIEW & BOOK TOUR* People We Meet On Vacation

    Hey y’all! Welcome, welcome. I am so glad you’re here! Do you ever read a book that takes your breath away while simultaneously making you feel all the feelings you could ever feel? Books that are on the best I’ve ever read have left me speechless while punching me in the gut. That list is…

  • *BOOK REVIEW* Counting Down With You

    *BOOK REVIEW* Counting Down With You

    Hey y’all! Welcome, welcome! I’m so glad you’re here! There are very few books that truly capture me from the first page and grip my collar the entire book. The book I’m talking about today did just that. I am very privileged I get to read a lot of ARCs of all different genres, diversity…

  • EMBER OF NIGHT- Book Review

    EMBER OF NIGHT- Book Review

    Hey y’all! Welcome, welcome! I’m so glad you’re here! It’s not a secret that Entangled Publishing and Entangled Teen have been really good to me with ARC’s. But, it’s also not a secret that 99% of their books I fall in love with. The book I’m going to be talking about today is one of…

  • Red Queen Series Review

    Red Queen Series Review

    Hey y’all! Welcome, welcome. I am so glad you’re here! I have an absolutely enormous physical TBR. I have this problem where I happen to buy books based on recommendations, end up getting arcs to read and kind of forget about my physical TBR. Thankfully in the new year, I have slowly been able to…

  • Back in the Burbs Review

    Back in the Burbs Review

    Hey y’all! Welcome, welcome. I am so glad you’re here! I think I’ve made my love and admiration for Tracy Wolff pretty evident through her Crave series and my reviews. But, I haven’t gotten a chance much to talk about Avery Flynn despite me loving her work. Imagine my excitement when I found out they…

  • Curvy Girls Can’t Date Best Friends Review

    Curvy Girls Can’t Date Best Friends Review

    Hey y’all! Welcome, welcome. I am so glad you’re here! I have been so fortunate to get advanced copies of multiple books within this series and I swear it just gets better and better with each book. Kelsie is a genius and I absolutely LOVE the way she writes. Her books are so heartwarming and…

  • A Vow So Bold and Deadly Review

    A Vow So Bold and Deadly Review

    Hey y’all! Welcome, welcome. I am so glad you’re here! Whew. I am so, so sorry I haven’t been posting as frequently. I am… drumroll please… headed back to work! I can not wait to fly again! I am also in the process of moving so I have been crazy busy. I have mainly been…

  • The Gilded Ones Review

    The Gilded Ones Review

    Hey y’all! Welcome, welcome. I’m so glad you’re here. My apologies for not posting for a few days. I’ve been hard at work on my 2021 releases lists and a few should be up in the next couple of days. I’m finishing them up now. In the mean time, I have some more reviews coming…

  • Jay’s Gay Agenda Review

    Jay’s Gay Agenda Review

    Hey y’all! Welcome, welcome. I’m so glad you’re here! The reviews keep rolling and holy smokes is 2021 a great year for books! I can’t wait to tell you about all my favorites coming out, but for now, I have another review of a fantastic ARC i received. Without further ado, let’s get right into…