Tag: Bloomsbury ya

  • *REVIEW* Your Life Has Been Delayed

    *REVIEW* Your Life Has Been Delayed

    Hey y’all! Welcome, welcome. I am so glad you’re here! My life has been absolutely crazy between trying to play catch up with ARC’s, work, and multiple doctors appointments, I have been so busy! But, This book has been out for a week and I finally had some time to sit down and write my…



    Hello everyone! Welcome, welcome. I am so glad you are here! It’s been a long time coming, this review. When I got rejected for the ARC on Netgalley I was so sad because I love YA thriller/mysteries. It’s one of my favorite genres and can always get me out of a slump. Imagine my surprise…

  • A Vow So Bold and Deadly Review

    A Vow So Bold and Deadly Review

    Hey y’all! Welcome, welcome. I am so glad you’re here! Whew. I am so, so sorry I haven’t been posting as frequently. I am… drumroll please… headed back to work! I can not wait to fly again! I am also in the process of moving so I have been crazy busy. I have mainly been…