*REVIEW* Crickets

Hey y’all! Welcome, welcome! I am so glad you’re here.

I can be a little inconsistent when blogging. I’ll be the first to admit it. I can get a little lost in work and actually trying to read the ARC’s I’ve been granted. But, every now and then, I’m lucky enough to have an author or publishing house reach out to me via my blog! It still shocks me that people think I’m worthy of reading a book just because I review others. It’s been a lot of fun for me. For the fantastic book I’m reviewing today, Crickets by Lee Chappel, Bleau Press reached out and I was actually really excited that they did. I enjoy finding new authors and incredible books to read. The premise of this drew me in and I couldn’t wait to get started. Without further ado, let’s get right into it!


Kara Peterson last drove away from Paige, Ohio ten years ago after reporting a rape.

She thought she knew who was responsible. She thought it was over. 

But she doesn’t know everything that happened that night.

When her father passes away unexpectedly, Kara’s forced to return to her hometown. Paige should be a safe little town, especially for the daughter of its favorite sheriff, but something’s wrong with Kara’s memories. There are times that have gone missing. In fact, there are more and more of them the longer she stays in town.

Maybe it’s her hometown getting to her. Or maybe it’s just him.

You can get your own copy here.

Thank you to Bleau Press again for granting me an ARC! All opinions are my own. 

I have always been a thriller fan, but it takes a special author to add a level of heaviness with discussions of certain topics, like sexual assault, but still craft a story that’s sensitive to those topics and able to successfully pull off the mystery/suspense element seamlessly. Chapel is able to do just that. I was thoroughly impressed with how delicately, but sternly the topic is handled. As a survivor, I really appreciate this. 

I was also glad to see that Kara was able to heal in her own way. As I’ve mentioned, I’m a survivor and I always get nervous reading books that talk about rape or sexual assault out of fear that they won’t handle it correctly or it will be judged etc. But, no survivors journey is linear and truly, the way Lee wrote Kara, I could see parts of my own journey and healing in her. It was refreshing and enlightening. From someone who has always harshly judged these types of topics in books and now sensitivity reads, this would’ve absolutely passed my inspection!

The story was full of suspense and thrill and kept me engaged for the most part! It’s definitely a page turner and will keep you engaged. There was a tiny lull at the beginning, but overall this is really well written and i highly recommend it!

What’s your favorite thriller? Let me know in the comments! Until next time…

Safe Flights and Happy Reading Nights!



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