Hey y’all! Welcome, welcome. I am so glad you’re here!

It’s no secret I love being on street teams. I’m on some for my absolute favorite authors such as Tracy Wolff, Diana Urban, Brigid Kemmerer etc. Being on a street team is such an honor. When an author trusts you to put out content about their books and your love for them- it means a lot. I don’t apply for many street teams because of my crazy work schedule and I don’t like letting people down. But, when this opportunity came up I absolutely couldn’t pass up the chance to apply. J. Elle’s debut novel Wings of Ebony has easily been one of my favorite fantasy books of the year, and one of my favorites ever. It’s rich fantasy world and smart, determined characters with an incredibly strong, beautiful main character in Rue, it was so easy to fall in love with it. So, without further ado, let’s get into the good news!

I WAS SELECTED TO BE APART OF RUE’S CREW! I am now a member of the street team for J. Elle, Rue and I get to continue to tell people to read Wings of Ebony and go ahead and pre-order Ashes of Gold. I have been dying for the sequel since I first read Wings and have continued to gush about the beautiful writing inside it. It’s complex, yet delicate. The world building is superb. The pace is so well done and there’s so many twists and turns that you can’t help but love the journey it takes you on. It brings about strength, beauty, courage and the fantastic message to always trust yourself.

I can not wait to get started on Rue’s Crew, work with J. Elle and all the other members on Rue’s Crew! If you haven’t read Wings (which WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!), head to http://www.wingsofebony.com/ to get your copy, catch up with Rue, J. Elle and pre-order Ashes! Until next time…

Safe Flights and Happy Reading Nights!