*REVIEW* Your Life Has Been Delayed

Hey y’all! Welcome, welcome. I am so glad you’re here!

My life has been absolutely crazy between trying to play catch up with ARC’s, work, and multiple doctors appointments, I have been so busy! But, This book has been out for a week and I finally had some time to sit down and write my review. As a flight attendant, I think my review of this will give you the stew crew stamp of approval. When I heard about this debut book from Michelle I Mason, I got excited! I figured it might be a little easier to read about a book inspired by the show Manifest and create a picture in my head, then watch it play out on TV. The book Your Life Has Been Delayed truly gave me the manifest feeling, but with so many twists and turns. I can’t get over it! Without further ado, let’s get right into it!

Look, to be totally honest, I still wouldn’t have wanted to be on this flight, but this book was an easy five stars for me. The character development, the plot line and development, the romance, the familial relationships, the growth- there is just so much good within in this book to even describe it all in detail one by one, so I’ll do my best to summarize my favorite points. Jenny was such a complex, yet simplistic character and I think that’s why I loved her so much. Her need and desire to know information and to want to write reminded me a lot of myself. Her curiosity, but need to want to stay in the simpler times of 1995 are very relatable. I think Michelle did such a great job with the structure and how she handled such difficult circumstances from Jenny’s return. I think the conflict and conflict resolution was so well done, whether it was Jenny’s conflict/differences with her family, her friends that were now grown, and the students when she went back to school. Her conflict within herself was flawlessly executed and I can’t get over how good this was! What a phenomenal concept and done perfectly!

Now, to the meat and bones. Everyone who’s read my blog for any period of time knows that I don’t do spoilers and that won’t change. But, holy wow- the romance in this book is so sweet! It’s also so accurate to how their actions (I personally think) would’ve happened, complete with the awkwardness, the anger and the apologies. I loved everything about it. Dylan was such a great guy! I couldn’t get over his dynamic and his ability to see past what had happened to Jenny and just see her for who she was. This is one of my favorite contemporary couples I’ve read in a long while.

The atmosphere was perfect, her research and knowledge of ATC/ boarding/ flying was on point and this was such a fun read! It was easy to give it five stars. I’d absolutely read this book again. Honestly, I can’t wait to read it again just to see Jenny and Dylan!

What’s your favorite YA contemporary you’ve read recently? Let me know in the comments! Until next time…

Safe Flights & Happy Reading Nights!



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