A Vow So Bold and Deadly Review

Hey y’all! Welcome, welcome. I am so glad you’re here!

Whew. I am so, so sorry I haven’t been posting as frequently. I am… drumroll please… headed back to work! I can not wait to fly again! I am also in the process of moving so I have been crazy busy. I have mainly been listening to audiobooks so I have a ton of reviews of my longstanding physical TBR. First up, a book series that is so near and dear to my heart, the third book in the A Curse So Dark and Lonely series by Brigid Kemmerer. Without further ado, let’s get right into it!

My heart feels simultaneously broken yet mended. I fell in love with this series so long ago that I can’t even begin to think why I waited to finish it. It felt like I waited forever for this to come out. I wasn’t sure if I was ready to deal with the sadness after it ended. But what an ending it was!

Despite what I’d heard, I went into this with an open mind, willing to wait and see what happened and I was not disappointed. Everyone stayed true to character and the plot was well thought out. I truly loved the full arc that both Rhen and Grey went through. What a journey it was for them! Rhen was so typically Rhen to the end. And the ending for Grey and Lia Mara? My heart!! I loved it. Also seeing Harper, Jake & Noah happy at the end makes my heart soar. I absolutely adored this! What a dang trilogy. I only wish there was more of them. I’d love to see what happens in the future and how Grey & Rhen fit in their new roles. As well as how Lia Mara and Harper fair. But i will think that it’s happiness all around.

Well done Brigid! This was a fantastic ending! I’m not sure if ever now I have gotten over how I feel about the end. It was so bittersweet. I’d had friends who didn’t like it as much, but I thoroughly enjoyed it! I think that after all of the heartache they’d gone through, all of the separation that the happy ending was well deserved. I’d like to think that they’re still happy and everything is harmonious.

What’s your favorite series you’ve read recently? Let me know in the comments below! Until next time…

Safe Flights and Happy Reading Nights!