Red Queen Review

Hey y’all! Welcome, welcome! I’m so glad you’re here.

Thank you for bearing with me. I’ve been dealing with some stuff in my personal life and just haven’t had a chance to do some blogging about the books I’ve been reading or listening too. I have some time and I have A LOT of reviews for you. I’m going to start with a series I’m a bit late to the game on, but fell in love with. I reviewed them as I read them, so without further ado, let’s get right into it!

I know I am super late to this series and to the hype train, but after hearing about Realm Breaker and owning this whole series, I figured I’d start it. I’m definitely not sorry that I did!

While I could see the twist being a little predictable, I didn’t think it’d be as in depth as it was. But, i slowly fell in love with Mare, Farley, Kilorn, Cal and Maven. The characters were complex, well crafted as was the plot! I wish there was a little bit more information on the magic/magic system and how it work and the world building, but I enjoyed the story & the characters! On to book 2!

What’s your favorite book in the Red Queen series? Let me know in the comments! Until next time…

Safe Flights and Happy Reading Nights!