Catch Lili Too Review

Hey y’all! Welcome, welcome. I’m so glad you’re here!

I’ve been hard at work on my 2021 debuts I’m excited for and they should be up early next week! I’m also going to start a new series called Diversify Your Shelves and break it down by categories. Most of my best of books have been written by WOC and I know we need to push publishing to publish more of these stories. They deserve to be told. I’m very excited and I’m putting in a lot of time to get it done! But, today, I have another review! This was a different type of read, but so much fun. Without further ado, let’s get right into it!

Thank you to Sophie for reaching out to me to read this. They granted me a copy in exchange for an honest review.

Scooby gang anyone? This gave me Buffy the Vampire Slayer meets Sabrina meets Charmed vibes. From start to finish this book was a wild ride, but not a bad one. This wasn’t a book I’d typically pick up, but I enjoyed it nonetheless.

One thing I loved so much about this book was the representation. I’ve never had the privilege to read a book with an asexual main character, until now. It was fantastic! I thoroughly enjoyed the idea of a siren being asexual and I think it was executed/described so well. There’s plenty of other rep from the LGBTQ+ community as well as POC rep.

I enjoyed the journey this book took me on. It was so different, yet engrossing. They dynamics of such different paranormal species and magic really was fun to read about. Also the locations under the chapter titles had me cracking up!

This was so different, yet so intriguing. I really enjoyed it!
3.75/5 stars

What’s a book that pleasantly surprised you? Let me know in the comments! Until next time…

Safe Flights and Happy Reading Nights!



Goodreads link:

To Buy: http://Catch Lili Too